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Contact Information
Office: MEYR 105
Phone: 410-455-2503
Email: barnold@umbc.edu
Associate Professor
Professional Interests
Prof. Arnold research group has extensive expertise in the application of ultra-fast laser techniques to explore photochemical reaction mechanisms. His group has developed applications of time-resolved linear dichroism spectroscopy to gain an understanding of the orientational aspects of electron and energy transfer reactions. These studies have focused on the orientation of photoproducts relative to the initial orientation of the starting materials to obtain important mechanistic information. Parallel efforts have established new models for the prediction of transition moment vectors in charge-transfer complexes and in the rotational dynamics of excited probes in solution.
More recently Prof. Arnold has established a research program aimed at developing coherent back-scattered laser spectroscopy as a potential method to detect analytes in the vapor phase. Temporal and spatial focusing of high power ultra-short laser pulses are used to measure stimulated Raman scattering, laser induced plasma emissions, multi-photon absorption, and laser induced fluorescence.
Selected Publications
Singh, A.U.; Machuga, K. S.; Prasad, H.; Mandal, K.; Kelly, L.; Arnold, B.; Choa, F. –S.; Cullum, B.; Austin, G.; Singh, N. B.; “Dissolution of Kidney Stones; Nano and Micro Morphologies Developed During Remelting,” Curr. Res. Mat. Chem, 2022, 3, 113. https://doi.org/10.33790/crmc1100113
Emge, I.; Scheurer, L.; Grant, R.; Prasad, N.; Kelly, L.; Arnold, B.; Choa, F. -S.; Setera, B.; Singh, N. B.; “Surface Characteristics of Polymer Nanocomposites,” Proc. SPIE – Soc. Opt. Eng., 2021, 11757, 117570X1-117570X4. https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2585834
Emge, I.; Kazal, D.; Cooper, C.; Sood, R.; Saraf, S.; Su, C. H.; Cullum, B.; Choa, F.-S.; Arnold, B. R.; Kelly, L.; Singh, N. B.; “Optimization of Sensor Materials Using Physical Vapor Transport Growth Method,” Proc. SPIE – Soc. Opt. Eng., 2021, 11757, 117570O. https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2586081
Arnold, B.R. Kelly, L., Oleski, J., Schill, A.; “Standoff Detection of Nitrotoluenes Using 213 – nm Amplified Spontaneous Emission from Nitric Oxide” Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 2009, 395, 349 – 355.
Schill, A., Arnold, B.R., Kelly, L., Pellegrino, P.; “Standoff Detection using Coherent Backscattered Spectroscopy” SPIE Proc. 2008, 149 – 164.
Schill, A., Heaps, D.A., Stratis – Cullum, D.A., Arnold, B.R., Pellegrino, P.;”Characterization of near – infrared low energy ultra – short pulses for portable applications of laser induced breakdown spectroscopy”, Opt. Express 2007, 14044 – 14056.
Arnold, B.R., Levy, D., Lu, X.; “Rotational Dynamics of Excited Probes: Testing Hydrodynamic Theories Using Time-Resolved Linear Dichroism Data” Spec. Lett. 2007,40, 149-164.
Levy, D., Arnold, B.R.; “Analysis of Charge-Transfer Absorption and Emission Spectra on an Absolute Scale: Evaluation of Free Energies, Matrix Elements, and Reorganization Energies” J. Phys. Chem. A2005, 109, 8572-8578.
Courses Taught
- CHEM 301: Physical Chemistry I
- CHEM 302: Physical Chemistry II
- CHEM 311L: Advanced Laboratory I
- CHEM 312L: Advanced Laboratory II
- CHEM 401: Chemical and Statistical Thermodynamics
- CHEM 499: Undergraduate Research