Instructions for installing xerox printer on 5th floor.
Visitor Emergency Contact Form – non-UMBC visitors must complete this form prior to starting laboratory work.
NEW Work Order Request Form – Anyone can use this link to request a work order.
New employee flow chart – Start here to see how to register new lab members for safety training
Minor Injury Reporting Form
Use this form to report minor injuries in the lab that do not require outside treatment.
Request for Access to On-Campus Labs to Relaunch Research (RCA) Activities – Authorization for Rotation students or Undergrads
Sponsored Award Management System (SAMS)
Inventory Addition Form
Please use this form to ensure any new equipment, computers, or donations are properly added to the University Inventory.
Key and Card Access Request Form
Please use this form to request building or room access.
Textbook Adoption Online
By request of the bookstore, all textbook adoptions should be done online. Follow the link to register for a secure account and password.
Schedules of finals, midterms, vacations and laboratory inspections, This may require your UMBC user name and password to log in.
Check here for the latest most up to date schedule of classes.
Click to learn about the Title IX Policy at UMBC
For the latest information about happenings in a social media context, you must join our user group. Click the link above and join Chemistry facilities, Chemistry Administrative operations or CHEM staff in the list of selections to keep current with changes in policies and or duties in the department. .
The size, configuration and resources available in different Lecture Halls on campus.
Grid set up of all classrooms, Classroom, capacity, seating style and other information
Laboratory Services
Minor Injury Reporting Form
Use this form to report minor injuries in the lab that do not require outside treatment.
Online Laboratory Safety Training Registration
Use this form to register new students for the online safety training. Access cannot be granted without satisfactorily completing training. Minors and non-UMBC visitors must sign a waiver in addition to the safety training.
Biochemistry-focused labs are encouraged to complete the two modules of (i) OSHA PPE Training and (ii) NIH rDNA Guidelines. At the same time, P.I. may check out additional CITI modules (e.g., Bloodborne Pathogens Training, etc) to determine whether such may be necessary for their own labs. Additional guidelines can be found at the Office of Research Protections and Compliance (ORPC) and Research Education and Training.
Everything you need to know about UMBC lab regulations and policies in one place.
The University program for the control of radioactive materials and radiation producing devices is consistent with regulations of the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE), the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the recommendations of the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP), and the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP).
A nice summary put together by Julie Wolfe for the AMB program.
All personnel, whether faculty, grad student , undergrad or volunteer must complete the Hazardous communications and UMBC laboratory safety sections of this site. Our “company” name will always be UMBC chem, please see Frank Tyminski or Brian Moravec for a user name and password.
The following website contains videos of safety videos from youtube. They tend to be a superior quality than the ACS videos.
Temperature problems, recycling, leaks and other minor problems can be submitted here. Major emergencies should be called in immediately to 5-2550
Quick links to forms, information and links to MSDS, Procedures for fire safety, biosafety, occupational safety, training and injury.
EHS’s laboratory Inspection checklist available for lab safety self-regulation
Use this form to request removal of properly identified chemical waste. Fax the completed form to EHS at 5-1166
This plan establishes general procedures and work practices that are designed to reduce exposure to hazardous chemicals used in laboratories. Compliance with these guidelines will reduce the health hazards associated with working with such chemicals.
Business Services is a central storehouse for information on over 1,000 grant programs and provides access to approximately $400 billion in annual awards.
Find Funding! The National Science Foundation promotes and advances scientific progress in the United States by competitively awarding grants and cooperative agreements for research and education in the sciences, mathematics, and engineering
All ACS grant, award, scholarship and internship opportunities in one place to help you find the right program to fit your needs.
Purchasing Capital equipment or subcontracts over $5,000
A direct link to CNMS Business services for purchasing items not available on the P-card
View your paycheck paperlessly.
Hiring and payroll
One stop shopping for hiring, funding changes, position changes, pay rate changes and terminations