
The Analytical Chemistry Division consists of a dynamic group of faculty, research associates, and visiting scientists whose research spans the classical topics of analytical chemistry. This comprehensive program covers the areas of mass spectrometry, separations, electrochemistry, and spectroscopy with applications in the following fields: biomedical/pharmaceutical, environmental, forensic/toxicology, nanotechnology, sensors, defense/homeland security, and structural biology/biochemistry. Students work with and develop state-of-the-art equipment (e.g. photoacoustic sensors, pulsed and continuous wave lasers, ion cyclotron MS, impedance spectroscopy, and 3-D amperometry) in top-notch facilities to solve problems of critical significance.

Chen, Chengpeng
Novel analytical platforms to quantitatively answer certain biological questions.

Cullum, Brian
Development of optical spectroscopic techniques and technologies for biomedical and defense related applications.

Daniel-Onuta, Marie-Christine
Qualitative and quantitative characterization of multifunctional gold nanoparticles

Kyoung, Minjoung
Development and applications of microscopic and spectroscopic techniques to map biological networks and critical signaling communications over time in vivo and in vitro. Development and applications of single molecule sensors to investigate cancer drug targets.

LaCourse, William
Methods development of chromatographic separations followed by advanced detection systems for pharmaceutical, environmental, forensic/toxicological, and industrial compounds.

Seneviratne, Herana Kamal